Well it was another episode of the soft break . I was playing Corey Deuel.
I was up 5-2, left him a window for a short bank, lag speed. He made it and ran out. After that I had two shots in which both times I was hooked. So I lost. All because he was allowed to break soft. Ok, he played within the rules of this event. Corey is a great player but I can't agree with his choice of break.
Statistically, when we played in a tournament where we had to break hard, I beat Corey outright. Every loss I had to Corey is due to the soft break he used against me. Its just disheartening. Its a dangerous path for our sport. Ok I have used it myself but I didn't feel good about it. But if the other players use against me, I simply cannot throw the match away, I have to try to win the best way I can.
If you take away the hard break its like taking the drive shot away from golf. You think Tiger Woods would be happy with that?
some other tours are enforcing the hard break. Dragon Promotions events are all using the hard break. The Florida tour is cathing on to that. Predator tour is using the hard break. What this means is that if the tournament director thinks you are breaking soft, you loose that game.
In the end, the break is the single most athletic part of the game. If you take this away, its really undermining our legitimacy as a sport. I don't like the sound of that.
Lets keep our game challenging, we were raised to learn how to break hard. Times chance, but some traditions should be kept. The Power break is one of them. When a players moves his body towards the cueball on the break in a lunge, You hear the explosion of the rack as the balls separate. balls flying everywhere, cue ball in the best case is parked near the middle of the table. There is a gracefulness to it that is beautiful to watch. The contrast is the break where you just play an ordinary stop shot, even regular stance, no body momentum required. balls just trickling a little while some slop in. Way too predictable.
You tell me, I would like to have a poll: Does the soft break help or hurt the game?
Also, there is a problem like this in the European tour. Euro-Tour. They tap the balls in the slate which make the rack "perfect".
This also allows for anybody to break the the wingball in and have a position for the one. on top of that they do not have tight pockets. Its like asking Tiger Woods to play PGA Tour stop on a minigolf course. Of course he might win sometimes, but even the less talented players can win. Is that really what EPBF considers a professional standard?
Thankfully in Europe there is a new players organisation that are asking the IPB(EPBF) to tighten the pockets at least. Thats just a portion of the battle. There are many things that has to be changed to protect the sport and doing so keep it more professional.
Yours Truly,
Mika Immonen
Saturday, August 16
Soft Break VS hard break
Posted by
8:54 AM
Huomenta !
Olen sun kanssa täysin samaa mieltä tosta breikistä! Mut jos ei ole taitoa kontrolloida kiveä kun lyö lujaa niin ei muuta kun treenaamaan :) No joo, onhan Corey niin taitava kun voi olla mutta sen pehmeä breikki tappaa kyllä innon katsoa sen pelejä enempää... Esim AzbTv:llä on yksi 10-pallo peli missä Corey aloittaa siten että kivi menee aina pakan taakse, ja jos ykkönen on mennyt keskelle sillä on kakkonen yleensä kulmaan auki. Jos ykkönen ei mene, se on maskissa... Kai se on "tehokasta" mutta niin pirun mautonta katsottavaa...
Itse yritän koko ajan harjoitella että saisin lisää kontrollia aloitukseen, ja kyllä se paraneekin koko ajan, mutta kyllä se täytyy kovaa vetäistä :)
Koska se sinun opetus-dvd muuten tulee kauppoihin, ja saako suomesta vai täytyykö tilata jenkeistä?
Hyvää jatkoa peleihin !
Hi Mika!
I also agree with you on the break issue, I never liked the soft break. It's been a while since I've played pool but maybe in the future when I get some more time. If there is a instructional dvd coming from you, please let us know. I'll try to follow your blog more often in case you would be coming to play near Belgium! Take care and bon courage for your games. Greetings, Jarkko.
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