Tuesday, September 11
Dark horses & World Champions
Thank you brother. A shared privilege is twice the privilege. I cannot even fathom what it means to you right now. I can only say that during my time of winning my first world title I could not really believe it for a week, maybe two. I literally woke up and yelled at the ceiling, World Champion! And then pinched myself to check I'm there.
Well, it's kinda happening all over again. This title is beginning to mean more to me than I would have imagined. I guess I had dreams of winning but it seemed a long shot still.
By the way: Keith, thanks for everything that week. From fixing the final look on the shirts, breakfasts, humoring us and actually showing up to watch and cheer for us- your input was priceless.
Petri, the week that you were here, all those hours we put in on the table. Your great attitude in which you never really questioned certain situations where you had to just trust my decision. And oh dear, your ability to perform when it mattered most. You sure pulled of some stunts. I was smiling inside but trying to play it cool.
Even that Friday, thank God we didn't have to play that day because I had food poisoning. (a secret I didn't want to let out before Saturday after we had take care or Reyes-Bustamante duo) yes, even that Friday you put in 7-8 hours at the table while I was bed-ridden. Only about 9pm I was "strong" enough to hold the cue. I just wanted to shoot a couple racks with you to reassure that Saturday I'll be back in form.
Even first match, we were down 0-4 against Korea. But we never lost faith. We had moments of agony of course. Yet stayed ON COURSE. Then went on to beat Three former WCOP-Champions and finally an Very-Much-In-Form Polish team. Hats of to them as well. Battle of the dark horses indeed.
I truly value this one just as I valued my first world championship.
Looking forward to more future battles...
Yours Sincerely,
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12:41 PM
Tuesday, August 7
Pool School
Me and Charlie Williams -(top pro coach and captain of team USA) are this sat - sun at Trickshots Billiards Orlando in Waterford lakes. Beautiful Shanelle Loraine guest starring. Guaranteed to improve any players game by levels. Limited to 10 students and 5 spots open currently. In evening there will be free show 8pm and free entry tournaments! $100 cash prize and sponsor prizes. Special Sale on Predator cues! Text back or email propoolschool1@gmail.com
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10:51 AM
Friday, July 20
Transit times
I've landed in New York once more. The funny part about flying around the world is that soon you'll be off and running again. In my case at least. I did kick back for a couple of days before I set my course for Finland. Granted going to my home country never stressed me out. On the contrary. Specially in the summer time. I'm looking forward to the countryside with siblings, see old and new friends in Helsinki. Even squeeze in a little tournament up north before I head back to New York.- for the World 14.1 tourney in Queens.
I had a good month, I've been to Dubai, Qatar and Indonesia. Clocked in some decent results not great. But I feel like I'm knocking on the door for something bigger. Or better yet just getting ready to kick that door in.
The Indonesian "leg" offered a new challenge: Speed Pool. I didn't think I was going to like it as much as I did. It was a breath of fresh air for the sport. Not to replace anything but perhaps it is a very nice change of pace. Literally.
Other than that, I'm just focusing on being stress-free and happy. Living in the moment, at best.
I'll just add here some reflection I had not too long ago:
" Just relax and enjoy life. Don't think about the past or future. Now is what matters and that moment just passed. We all have a need to be right that's our thoughts (our ego) telling us what to do. Just learn to let go. You can't change the way anyone is but you can encourage them to free themselves from their thoughts and insecurities. One can only change oneself.
-Live by example, Love Unconditionally...
And stay in the present."
I originally wrote that piece to a friend that was going through a rough patch in their life. I then realized I could relate to it and why not most of us. So I posted it on Facebook. Sharing is caring, right?
Lastly, I do want to thank you all for your patience. I was kinda lost of words for a while but I'm back. Promise.
Mika Immonen
2 X World Champion
2 X USOPEN Champion
Phone US: +1-917-4343324
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4:33 AM
Friday, April 13
I think, therefore I am.
"I entirely abandoned the study of letters. Resolving to seek no knowledge other than that of which could be found in myself or else in the great book of the world, I spent the rest of my youth traveling, visiting courts and armies, mixing with people of diverse temperaments and ranks, gathering various experiences, testing myself in the situations which fortune offered me, and at all times reflecting upon whatever came my way so as to derive some profit from it." - Descartes (Discourse of the method,1637)
It's amazing how much I can relate to those words. It is the hunger of knowledge and the aspiration to utilize it that drives me. Some of the things we learn can be sub-conscious. I wanna bring more of it to the conscious level. But it takes time. The time that I have done traveling, soul-searching and getting back in shape. Both physically and mentally. That is the obvious groundwork that one has to lay before the talent himself can reach it's full potential. It'll pay dividends soon. It's within reach, but I still want to emphasize that even when I'd think I had arrived, I probably didn't. Therefore, stay cautious and curious. And keep working.
I'd like to think of myself as an artist, scientist and a sportsman at the same time. Pool has all these elements and more. Descartes was a great philosopher and the craved for complete knowledge and answers. Things, whatever they were, had to be defined. He was another great man ahead of his time. I think there is a great deal we can learn from philosophy. I want to use this great example of his to be able to challenge myself more and more.
off we go, searching answers....
Mika Immonen
2 X World Champion
2 X USOPEN Champion
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7:21 AM