We had two events in Orlando, FL. Sponsored by Mezz Cues of course.
I'd have to say I am pretty happy with the turn-out in my own view. Though I did loose to Johnny Archer in the 14.1 finals, I was able to redeem myself in the 10-ball event. The 10-ball was indeed a much bigger tournament in both the amount of participants and the depth of the field. Oh yeah, more prize-money as well.
I was really happy to beat all three players that I have tremendous amount of respect for: Thorsten Hohmann, Shane Van Boening and Rodney Morris. Also I beat Shawn Putnam on the way in the 4th round of the winners side.
The table was incredibly tight, it didn't allow for much error. For that reason I thought it was a lot of fun to play on it, you could really feel rewarded for your efforts since it was that challenging.
So I am looking forward to more 10-ball this season and I know that my wish will be granted many times. So many things to look forward to.
OK, I am tired now, going to sleep.
Take care,
Sunday, August 9
Mezz Classic 10-ball Victory!
Posted by
10:31 PM
Tervepa terve Mika, vaikka emme taida tunteakaan.
Taalla Filppareilla asuessa on tullut mieleen, etta taytyypa kerran tutkia mika mies se oikein on, kun lahes aina kysyttaessa mista olen, niin saatuaan kuulla etta olen Suomesta, sielta tulee ensimmaiseksi 'ahaa, Mika Immonen' :)
Olet nakojaan seuraavaa sukupolvea minuun nahden, mutta silti on saatettu olla joskus samoilla saleilla Suomessa. Tuli pelattua toistakymmenta vuotta ja joskus ajanlaskun alussa ihan alle 18v Suomen mestaruuskin tuli raapastua silloisella Oivan salilla stadissa. Peli oli tosin tuolloin niihin aikoihin se suosittu Kaisa.
Jos poikkeat taalla pain palloa, niin laita ihmeessa tieto ja tulen seuraamaan pelejasi.
Be good,
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