I am most of the time down-to-earth, ha ha, except when I am playing pool. That is the ultimate situation when you need all the confidence you can get. I try to remain humble because thats what you really need in order to learn. Just like childlike curiosity, humility will keep your mind on the task at hand without getting emotional. My goal is to succeed without getting in the way of others. Respect all, fear none.
Olen viimein hankkinut itselleni virallisen Blogin. Valitettavasti kansainvalisyyden takia en voi operoida kahdella kielella. Toivottavasti englanti on sopivin vaihtoehto teillekin, niinkuin voitte uskoa se on kansainvalisesti ehka ymmarretyin.
Valitan myos tassa etta Keyboard on jenkkiversio eli ne pisteet a:n ja o:n ylapuolella puuttuu.
Getting closer to China... any plans to make a stop there?
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